Compiling a Scenario File

The Simple Way

To have a scenario file be automatically compiled with the correct incantation, it is only necessary to add it to the src/mitten/scenarios directory.

For instance, adding to this directory, the following will compile Mitten and all scenarios in the scenarios directory.

make mitten

If you want to only compile your scenario file you can do

dune build src/mitten/scenario/myscenario.exe

The hard Way

If you want to compile a scenario "manually", you can place it anywhere together with a dune file containing (for

 (name myscenario)
 (libraries lib_mitten)
 (flags (:standard
          -open Tezos_base__TzPervasives
          -open Lib_mitten
          -open Lib_scenarios
          -open Scenarios
          -open Types

and call

dune build path/to/myscenario.exe