Originate the rollup

Use the smart rollup installer to get the kernel installer of pandora and all the necessary preimages.

./smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer --upgrade-to pandora_debug.wasm --output pandora_debug_installer.hex --preimages-dir pandora_images --setup-file config/weeklynet.yaml

Originate the rollup using the kernel installer and the create config from the previous step.

./octez-client originate smart rollup weeklynet-rollup from $ADMIN of kind wasm_2_0_0 of type '(or (or (pair (contract unit) nat) (pair (contract unit) nat)) bytes)' with kernel $(cat pandora_debug_installer.hex) --burn-cap 999

NB: During the rest of the document we'll consider that $PANDORA=sr1Bu89iV5Pki7TBSjMeZMEigNfebwQBUTSZ is the rollup's address.