Optional: Upgrade Pandora

Whenever the kernel has new version that is released (new featues, migration needed, bug fixes), it is necessary to upgrade it.

Use the smart rollup installer to get all the preimages of the new kernel (don't forget to recompile it beforehands):

./smart-rollup-installer get-reveal-installer --upgrade-to pandora_debug.wasm --output will_not_be_used.hex --preimages-dir pandora_images_upgraded --display-root-hash

ROOT_HASH: 00e4b4344ca419f1d3bccc50b4673b08a26b331971523973c4037f469aad4aecbf

Copy the preimages in the /wasm_2_0_0 folder before sending the upgrade message:

cp pandora_images_upgraded/* weeklynet-smart-rollup-node/wasm_2_0_0 

Get Pandora's version to check it before/after the upgrade:

NB: This is only relevant if the kernel was compiled on different commits (:= version).

curl -s http://localhost:8932/global/block/head/durable/wasm_2_0_0/value\?key\=/pandora/state/kernel_version | jq


Get the preimage hash root from the previous command and call the upgrader contract with the appropriate payload to trigger the upgrade:

./octez-client transfer 0 from $ADMIN to $UPGRADER --entrypoint "main" --arg 0x00e4b4344ca419f1d3bccc50b4673b08a26b331971523973c4037f469aad4aecbf

Check that the upgrade happened on the rollup side by checking its version once again:

curl -s http://localhost:8932/global/block/head/durable/wasm_2_0_0/value\?key\=/pandora/state/kernel_version | jq
